Let's prevent Heat Discorder.

If you suffer from heat illness…

“What is heat illness?” “Who is likely to suffer from it?” First of all, it is important to understand the fundamentals of heat illness. Here we will learn what we mean by heat illness.

What is heat illness?

First, let’s understand the mechanism that causes heat illness. Once you understand this, you will be able to take appropriate measures if you were to encounter a case of heat illness.


Heat illness is caused when, due to high temperatures and other similar conditions, there is an imbalance in the water or salt content (such as sodium) in the body, or when the body stops being able to regulate itself correctly. Human bodies are designed to generate heat, but they also prevent their body temperature from rising too high by sweating or losing heat through the skin. Heat illness is caused when the body is unable to regulate its own temperature, causing the heat to build up internally and its temperature to rise excessively. Really serious cases of heat illness can lead to death; however, this can be avoided by having the right knowledge and understanding of the most appropriate course of action to take. In addition, if you know how to provide first aid, you will also be able to save the lives of those

Who is likely to suffer from it?

Heat illness is caused by the body’s inability to regulate its own temperature. How likely a person is to suffer from it depends on their age and physical condition. Let’s be aware of the type of people who are susceptible to it so we can keep a close eye on those around us.


Elderly People

Elderly people are less able to regulate their own temperature, so heat is likely to build up within their bodies. They are also less able to notice their bodies’ warning signals such as the feeling of heat or thirst. This can sometimes cause them to take preventative measures against the heat a bit too late, which puts them at higher risk of suffering from heat illness. While having a bath, your body is likely to lose water, so make sure to drink plenty of water before and after a bath, and ensure that you soak in lukewarm water at less than 40℃ and not for too long.In addition, you can also lose a considerable amount lot of water while sleeping, so make sure you have a drink by your bedside, so you can replenish with water throughout the night.



Infants and babies have not yet developed the ability to regulate their temperature. In particular, they are unable to sweat and, therefore, the heat can easily build up in their bodies and cause their temperature to rise.
Also, the fact that they are unable to deal with the heat, by drinking water by themselves or taking their clothes off, also increases their risk of suffering from heat illness.


Dehydrated People

Sweat is created from the water content and salt content found in the blood.
People who are suffering from dehydration, due to diarrhea or a hangover for example, have a higher risk of suffering from heat illness.
Also, people who are mildly dehydrated are less likely to notice their condition, so it is important for them drink water even if they do not feel thirsty.


People in Poor Health

People in poor health, such as those suffering from fatigue or a cold, are less able to regulate their temperature. Also, the person’s physical condition on a particular day affects their susceptibility to suffer from heat illness, so they should try to avoid doing a physical activity in the heat if they have not had any breakfast or are suffering from lack of sleep.
People with chronic diseases that affect the body’s ability to regulate temperature, such as heart conditions or diabetes, should also exercise great caution.


Unfit People

People can suffer from heat illness when doing physical exercise, even when the temperature is relatively low.
In particular, unfit people are less able to sweat, increasing their risk of suffering from heat illness.


Overweight People

Overweight people have a layer of subcutaneous fat that prevents the body from losing heat through the skin efficiently, making it more likely for the heat to build up and, hence, to suffer from heat illness.

People Unused to the Heat

The body’s ability to deal with the heat is slower than the change in temperature. Heat illness is more likely in people who are unused to the heat or at the start of a hot season. The risk of heat illness is high during the holidays in the rainy season when temperatures can soar suddenly in one day, or on humid days at the end of the rainy season.
